Veneto FTX 2024

The UNUCI Delegation of Veneto and Trentino Alto-Adige, in collaboration with the UNUCI Schio Alto Vicentino section  is organizing the 36th edition of the military patrol competition "Veneto - FTX 2024" from October 4th to 6th, 2024 The event will be centered in the territory of the 7 Municipalities of the Asiago (Italy), in the areas of Cesuna, Roana, and surrounding areas.

The event, included in the calendar of Annual Training Activities recognized by the Ministry of Defensewill feature this year the participation of patrols composed of 4 members, including officers and military personnel both in service and retired from the Italian Armed Forces, Associations of Arms duly recognized by the Ministry of Defense, NATO, and friendly countries.

Main characteristics of the competition

The patrols

Composed of four elements, the patrols will move along itineraries and in accordance with the instructions received.

   Orientation in real tactical setting

L’attività addestrativo-valutativa si svolgerà nel classico ambiente delle Prealpi Vicentine con presenza di ampi boschi, pascoli, strade militari e forestali dove l’importante sarà il mimetismo e l’atteggiamento tattico.

 Shooting tests

The tactical context of the exercise may include also simulated shooting tests to be carried out in some sites along the route 


 Technical tests

The patrols must perform the military exercises that make up the exercise plan. The necessary information and any equipment not provided for in the regulation will be delivered to the participants for the exercises.

