History of Veneto

In 1986 the UNUCI Section of Verona promoted and led the organization of a March, Orientation and Shooting Competition called "Montorio", from the location where the Caserma Duca was located, seat of the 85th R.A.V. "Verona", a department that provided logistical and technical support for the event.

Theater of operations was the foothills and the altiplano dei Lessini, located near the city of Verona.

Since the first editions, the exercise has seen the participation of Italian and foreign personnel, for a total of 40 patrols of 4 elements, involving public administrations, weapon and voluntary associations as well as local communities. In fact, the objective of UNUCI has always been to be able to renew the presence of the institutions and in particular of the Armed Forces in the territory of the Nation, allowing it to consolidate the foundations and values ​​of the State.

Over the years the collaboration and the synergy between the various sections of the Circumscription (today Delegation) of the Veneto - Trentino - Alto Adige has also increased, which naturally led, from the 16th edition of 2003, to a first organizational evolution made evident by the exchange rate of naming the exercise. "Veneto" was generated from "Montorio" which, although continuing to take place in the Verona area, saw the increasingly important involvement of the Sections of Legnago, Trento, Schio - Alto Vicentino, Rovigo, Vicenza.

At the same time the event has increased its technical value, obtaining recognition of training activities recognized by the General Staff Defense, also consolidating the presence of foreign representatives coming, over the years, from Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Holland, United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, USA.

It was in 2014 and, to celebrate the centenary of the "Great War", the "Veneto" began a journey through the stages and places that remembered and honored the soldiers our predecessors and, above all, the fallen.
Questo ha permesso un’ulteriore evoluzione dell’organizzazione della struttura dell’esercitazione valutativa, ora divenuta “itinerante”, ospitata da una delle Sezioni della Delegazione nel proprio territorio di competenza e fondata su una line di comando posta in capo al Presidente di Delegazione:

- in 2014 it was hosted by the Section of Legnago in the territory of the Verona plain, in memory of the preparation and the rural origin of the Italian Army and the Soldiers who would soon be called to combat the First World War;
- in 2015, organized by the Trento Section, it took place on the plateau of Folgaria, whose squares were the protagonists of the first phase of the "war of the strong";
in 2016 it was hosted by the Section of Schio - Alto Vicentino on the massif of Monte Pasubio, in memory of the violent battles that took place in that sector of the Alps;
in 2017, organized by the Vicenza Section, took place on the Asiago plateau, a zone of the fierce fighting of the Battaglia dell'Altipiano.

From this edition, the 30th, the Veneto has been further renewed, bringing to 4 the members of each patrol, whose number was contained in 20, defining itself definitively as an assessment exercise for training purposes.

In 2018 the 31th edition hosted by the Treviso Section concluded the commemorative cycle of the Great War in the area of Possagno and the middle course of the Piave.

Previous editions

These are the locations that hosted the past awards

2017 - Asiago (VI)

Piazza II Risorgimento

2016 - Monte Pasubio (VI)

Sacrario Militare di Valli del Pasubio

2015 - Folgaria (TN)


2014 - Legnago (VR)

